since 1999
The quickest way to learn how to use 'Send by email' is to watch the video above.
Set defaults for a workbook by naming a cell (anywhere in the workbook) as 'PAToolsOptions'; in that cell use any of the following (separated by a comma): ReplaceFormulas=Y/N, RemoveHidden=Y/N, RemoveFreezePanes=Y/N, Email=Y/N, File=Y/N; and MakeExcel / MakePDF / MakeWeb as default output.
Set defaults for emails from a workbook using a named cell (anywhere in the workbook) for one or more of the following: PAToolsEmailTo, PAToolsEmailCc, PAToolsEmailBc, PAToolsEmailSubj. If you wish to add more than one email address, separate them with a semicolon.
Set default for "called" within your workbook by naming a cell (anywhere in the workbook) as 'PAToolsFilename'.
Set default for "as a new file in" within your workbook by naming a cell (anywhere in the workbook) as 'PAToolsPath'.
Tip: We often use a separate tab called Config at the end of a workbook to keep these settings separate.