PATools XL Toolbox

since 1999

Send by email

Help and Documentation


The quickest way to learn how to use 'Send by email' is to watch the video above.

Set defaults for a workbook by naming a cell (anywhere in the workbook) as 'PAToolsOptions'; in that cell use any of the following (separated by a comma): ReplaceFormulas=Y/N, RemoveHidden=Y/N, RemoveFreezePanes=Y/N, Email=Y/N, File=Y/N; and MakeExcel / MakePDF / MakeWeb as default output.

Set defaults for emails from a workbook using a named cell (anywhere in the workbook) for one or more of the following: PAToolsEmailTo, PAToolsEmailCc, PAToolsEmailBc, PAToolsEmailSubj. If you wish to add more than one email address, separate them with a semicolon.

Set default for "called" within your workbook by naming a cell (anywhere in the workbook) as 'PAToolsFilename'.

Set default for "as a new file in" within your workbook by naming a cell (anywhere in the workbook) as 'PAToolsPath'.

Tip: We often use a separate tab called Config at the end of a workbook to keep these settings separate.



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